What a way to start a day…!
Have you noticed that if you start a day in a dismal, deep, and dark funk, it takes a while to get out of it–and get running smoothly and well? Want to avoid beginning the day that way, or have a jump-start out of it if you do? There is a way! Not long ago I recommended that you start the day with a “Gratitude List.” Have you tried it yet? It’s a wonderful way to start a day! It virtually assures peak performance—at least a much higher level than if you just get up and muddle through the first hour or so trying to get your brain, body and spirit up and running!
I stop for minimum bathroom chores—after I’ve taken PowderPuff out. Then I boot up the computer and let flow. You might prefer to grab pen and paper. Here are some suggestions:
- Do, indeed, just let flow…don’t try to prioritize or edit as you go along.
- Don’t go over yesterday’s list before you start today’s list. This is a new day!
- Don’t feel guilty if the first items aren’t about God, family, country and income taxes!
- Make a numbered list. Not mandatory, but probably would help
- Don’t try to make complete sentences. Just get the concept down.
- As you write a gratitude thought, let yourself glow—feel good!
- Don’t feel you must have a comprehensive list, just go/stop as you choose- no pressure!
Perhaps having an example will make it easier for you to get underway. Here’s how I started my list today [The first line is one I keep in place]. Oh, yes, I confess that I did a tad of editing, otherwise some of the thoughts would have been incomplete to you and wouldn’t have made sense. Some won’t really, anyway, as they relate to personal matters you don’t know about. Here goes:
May 28, 2010 “This is the day which the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” Random thoughts about things I’m happy about as I begin this day:
- It’s good to be so alive and alert at 5:10—after PowderPuff got me up at 4:30.
- Mary Jo and I sleep amazingly well and are so full restored by it.
- Tracie and Mara are doing so wonderfully. What a beautiful baby!
- Happy we could babysit Annabelle & Mosie while Rich & Amy were haying
- Glad they got the hay in before it got rained on.
- This precious puppy sleeping under my chair!
- That we have neighbors like Terry & Laura
- Bonnie & Ron are so thoughtful and supportive
- So good to be making contact with so many people through Facebook.
- ETC…
- Ahhhh! for a good cup of fresh coffee–think I go make one!
Try this for a few weeks and let me know how it works for you. I have no doubt, if you try it consistently for a few days, you’ll find it makes a wonderful difference.
Have a grateful day!
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